5 Genuine Reasons Every School Needs a Health Check-Up Camp

Overall, students spend 45 hours a week in school. Health is very important in schools because it plays a crucial part in helping children achieve a state of well-being. Due to this they can maximise their learning capacity, manage stress, and interact openly with their classmates and community. In this article let's learn why every school needs a health check-up camp.

Why do we need health camps in schools?

Here are 5 genuine reasons every school needs a Health Check-Up Camp.

1. NEP & CBSC Guidelines:

The National education policy suggested modifications in Indian Education System. The policy highlighted the importance of holistic education which includes physical and emotional well-being along with academics. Recently CBSE stressed the need of encouraging health check-ups in schools to improve the health of students and employees in educational institutions.

Schools can meet the criteria of the NEP and CBSE standards by conducting annual health check-up camps. The health of kids and staff may be thoroughly assessed at these camps, and a plan of action can be made to address any concerns that need immediate care.

2. Healthy School Community:

School health camp
Image: School health camp

An effective learning environment requires a healthy school community. A culture of health and well-being may be encouraged within the school community via health check-up camps. Students and staff may learn about healthy behaviours, the value of routine physicals, and the advantages of preventive screening.

Additionally, annual health check-up camps may foster a culture where staff and students feel appreciated and cared for. It can improve their mental and emotional health. Academic achievement and extracurricular involvement are more likely among students who feel safe and supported.

3. Success of School:

The success of the school is not just attributed to the grades, but also depends on the well-being of students and staff. Vigour360 help school succeed by creating a healthy school community through preventive screening. AI-powered screening devices and Westernised technologies make our health check-ups more accurate and efficient.

Healthy children are better learners. By addressing health issues through school medical check-ups, Schools can pave the path to academic success. As it will result in increased participation, better attendance, and an overall good reputation as a health-promoting school.

4. Electronic Health Record Data:

As per CBSE guidelines school principals are responsible for students’ health and safety at school and for informing parents or caregivers in case of emergency. Electronic health record data make it easy to access a child’s medical history, track risk factors, allergy information etc. Vigour360 facilitate an EHR system for schools with built-in app support.

A focused intervention may be developed using this data to address any patterns or trends in health conditions of students at risk.

5. Cost-effective:

Conducting a medical camp saves the cost by safeguarding health and wellbeing of students. Organising annual medical camps allows schools to spot health problems early on when they are easier to treat and less expensive.


What is the main objective of organising health Camp?

The main objective of organizing a school health camp is to provide the resources children need to learn to their full potential. As well as to promote the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of students.

It also helps in prevention of lifestyle disorders, educate about communicable diseases, provides early intervention and referrals.

What happens in a health camp in school?

At Vigour369 school health camp, students undergo comprehensive health screenings to detect any underlying health issues early on.

Our qualified healthcare professionals provide preventive care with AI-powered devices and US FDA approved gadgets.

Our world-class services safeguard students against diseases.

Health education sessions empower students and parents with knowledge about nutrition, hygiene, mental wellness, and prevention.

Early intervention strategies ensure prompt treatment and support for any health concerns identified during the camp.

Collaborative efforts with community partners enrich the school's health initiatives, promoting a holistic approach to student well-being.

To sum up, Health check-up camps are an essential part of a prosperous and healthy school community. Vigour360 school wellness program is a vital resource for any school since our health check-up camps are different from traditional health camps. Our comprehensive initiative is NEP-compliant, promote a culture of health and well-being, contribute to the success of the school, provide useful electronic health record data, easy to implement and are reasonably priced. For positive health and growth of your school connect with us!



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