How does preventive screening save the cost?

Regular health checkups are necessary to prevent potential illness in adults as well as children. By improving health outcomes preventive screening can save the cost.

Advancements in technology, enhanced quality of care, and improved infrastructure have driven up medical costs. Preventive screening, however, is a cost-effective measure to help prevent health problems. In this article, lets deep dive on how regular health checkups combat the increasing healthcare cost.

Why preventive screening?

Preventive measures focus on regular health checkups, screenings and timely immunization.

Regular health checkups with AI-driven gadgets help identify subtle signs of illness before they become serious.

It provides ample window to act on the initial stage of disorder and may stop progression it before it causes significant damage to our body.

Preventive screening provides an opportunity to modify our lifestyle which can overcome lifestyle-induced diseases such as diabetes, heart problems etc.

Benefits of preventive screening for kids:

In children's school health screenings help to catch diseases early and do not impact their academics.

Regular health checks aid in overall growth and development by removing health barriers in kids.

Lastly, preventive screening helps maintain good health and saves costs on complicated medical procedures or investigations. Let’s understand with example.

Preventive Dental Checkup:

During a school dental screening, it is evident that 80% of children have oral problems and parents do not visit dentist until oral problems appear.

Kids undergo painful root canal treatments at an early age, and the series of treatments takes a toll on their schooling.

With regular advanced dental screening, we can avoid this cost as well as save the tooth with simple dental procedures.

Preventive Eye Checkup:

After the pandemic, we can see a rise in vision problems. There are school-going kids with undiagnosed vision problems such as Myopia, Hyperopia etc.

With periodic health checkup, we can prevent vision problems as well as their progression. 

BMI Screening:

The Pediatricians recommends annual BMI screenings for children to identify BMI problems at right time. It helps to prevent underweight, overweight, obesity and its harmful consequences. 

Beyond BMI screening Vigour360 school health program offers children Body Composition Analysis to assess their growth and development.

From this analysis, doctors can guide lifestyle modification for children and provide nutritional guidance for every child’s need. 

ENT Screening:

Children with untreated ENT problems may face numerous consequences, such as frequent infections, hearing loss, and developmental delays. Early detection can prevent these complications, ensuring timely treatment and improved outcomes.

This is how preventive screening play a vital role in cost-cutting by preventing chronic disorders.


How can we reduce the cost of quality medical care?

By implementing a school health program, we can provide students with world-class screening services typically found in top-tier hospitals. A proactive approach, such as preventive screening in schools, can extend quality healthcare benefits to a larger number of children.

How Can We Help?

Vigour360 stands as India’s premier provider of school health services. We offer state-of-the-art screening technology from around the globe to Indian children at an affordable price. Early identification of health issues empowers children to achieve their full academic and developmental potential, fostering their overall growth and development.

Preventive screening not only reduces healthcare costs by preventing illnesses and detecting health disorders early but also promotes health awareness among children and encourages healthy lifestyle choices. Embracing the principle that prevention is better than cure, we can collectively prioritize health. To learn more, connect with us!




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