Vision Problems

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Hyperopia in Children

Hyperopia, commonly known as farsightedness or hypermetropia, is a type of refractive error cha

Amblyopia or lazy eye in children

Amblyopia is a medical term for dim vision from one or rarely two eyes. Ambly means dull or dim

How does refractive error cause blindness in children?

Uncorrected refractive defects present a subtle threat to our children’s future academic prog

Student Wellness

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Childhood Obesity and PCOS

The disorder is commonly seen in teen girls and young women. Increased occurrence of childhood

How does junk food affect kid’s health?

The effects of junk food extend beyond childhood, leading to lifelong consequences. Recognizing

Tooth decay/ cavities (Dental caries) in children

Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease in children as well as adults, despite it is hig

School Wellness

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Why is good health important for school-children?

To effectively promote health, schools should adopt a holistic approach that integrates health

5 Genuine Reasons Every School Needs a Health Check-Up Camp

The main objective of organizing a school health camp is to provide the resources children need

5 reasons schools should digitalize student health records now!

Discover the benefits of digitalizing student health records with Vigour360's Electronic Health