What are the warning signs of vision problems in children?

Are you aware? 60% of learning disabilities are associated with vision problems. As 80% of learning in the classroom is visual, 17 visual skills are required for reading and learning. While playing or learning in the classroom the eyes are constantly at work. If school-going children have undetected eye problems, it will hamper their progress.

Periodic health care checks in school with Advanced Eye Screening help to catch near-sightedness, farsightedness, blurred vision, refractive errors, strabismus, unequal pupil size disorders, and other eye issues in children at an early stage.

What are the warning signs of vision problems in children?

Children often cannot pinpoint eye problems. Parents and teachers are often closely associated with them and spend more time with kids. So here are some warning signs a caregiver should notice and help the child with appropriate actions such as regular eye check-ups.

  • Frequent Headaches
  • Fatigue and discomfort in the eyes
  • Preference for one eye over other
  • Tilting head to use one eye
  • Closing one eye or squinting
  • Moving close to an object while playing or watching TV
  • Holding a book close while reading or writing,
  • Poor hand-eye coordination
  • Poor depth perception
  • Not able to win a game
  • Repeatedly falling while driving a bicycle

Let's understand what visual abilities are required for successful academics:

Visual acuity is the capacity to perceive objects clearly at a distance for watching a blackboard, viewing a computer, and a close distance for reading a book.

Hand-eye coordination is the process of using visual information to perform a task with hands, for example riding a bicycle, throwing a ball etc

Visual perception is the process of memorising what is read and presenting a concept on paper with the help of pictures and words.

Focusing is a visual skill of maintaining sharp vision when the distance from an item changes, like copying from a blackboard to your notebook.

Tracking is a visual skill of maintaining focus when shifting your gaze between objects, moving your eyes from line to line, or tracking a moving object like a ball tossed.

Teaming is the capacity of eyes to coordinate and use both eyes simultaneously when reading down lines from the page, as well as the capacity to assess distances and perceive depth for academic and athletic pursuits.

Health check-up camp in school:

To understand eye problems in children, annual health check-up camps in schools play a vital role. Vigour360 provides school health check-up services for children with Westernised technology and an electronic health record system. Due to preventive screening early detection and prevention are possible. Parents can avoid future complications due to eye problems and complicated procedures like surgeries to protect vision.

Periodic health care checks have the potential to foresee developing problems in children. Hence do not neglect these warning signs to avoid vision problems. Post-pandemic there is an alarming increase in eye issues among children, therefore every school must undergo an annual health check-up. And to do so Vigour360 is your valuable resource.

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