5 Ultimate Benefits of School Dental Screening Program for Your Children

Irregular eating habits, more sugar intake, and poor oral hygiene in kids make them prone to dental problems. Kids need a regular Dental check-ups as they have small-sized teeth. As a result, in children progression of cavities is faster. Therefore, it is important to get the cavities checked and restored earliest. It will save children from severe pain and abscess.

A KANTAR IMRB survey provides disturbing new information on children's oral health in India. It emphasises the severe discrepancy between reality and parents' perceptions of their children's oral health.

  • 8 out of 10 children in India suffer from a major oral health problem.
  • 7 out of 10 children didn’t visit the dentist in the past year.
  • 60% of parents are unaware of their children’s oral health problems.

5 Ultimate Benefits of School Dental Screening Program for Your Children

1. Early detection:  

Regular dental check-up helps assessment of oral cavities at the initial stage. In small children, the dentist can look for developmental disturbances and recommend the appropriate treatment at the right time.

Early intervention, allow treating the problems with a simple procedure, as well as preventing complication such as headache, ear pain, joint pain, dental Abscess, fever etc.

During a dental screening in school, dentists advise preventive treatment for children who are more prone to cavities. One such treatment is a pit and fissure sealant placement.

2. Learn oral hygiene regime:

Along with the dental screening, the dentist teaches children the right brushing technique and the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.

Children learn to exhibit effective oral hygiene regimes in day-to-day life. Good oral hygiene ensures better overall health. Vigour360 offers cutting-edge dental screening to improve the dental health of school-going children.

3. Academic performance:

We all know toothache is so severe that it may affect eating, speaking, playing, and learning too. Children suffering from cavities undergo repeated episodes of pain and cannot concentrate on everyday studies. It takes a toll on their academic performance.

Health checks in school uncover undiagnosed dental problems in children. Early detection and the right measures enhance learning outcomes in students.

4. Motivation:

Many of us postpone dental visits due to fear and anxiety towards dental treatment, the same is the case for children. During school health check-ups students see their peers actively participating in oral screening. It creates a positive impact and helps to overcome fear related to dental check-ups and procedures.

5. Cost-effective:

When cavities are neglected for a long time, they spread into deeper layers. In such cases to save the tooth root canal treatment is required. With regular dental check-ups, it is easy to catch cavities earlier and treat them with simple restorations.

Similarly, gum problems, developmental disturbances, and oral infections when diagnosed early have better outcomes with easy procedures.

So, these are the benefits of school dental screening programs. Vigour360 provides advanced dental screening to ensure healthy smiles in kids. The AI-powered and US FDA-approved screening devices make the procedures seamless for children. Just connect and prevail over our world-class healthcare services for your students!

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