Who provides school health services in India?

School health services are the medical care provided for students on school premises by competent physicians or nurses. It covers a wide array of age-specific healthcare needs for children. Such as preventive screening through health check-up camps in schools, nutritional assessment, physical training, mental wellness check-up and counselling, maintaining health records of students for medical emergencies etc.

Who provides school health services in India?

Vigour360 is one of the school health services providers in India with westernise adaptation of medical care. Through a world-class healthcare system, it facilitates full body analysis for students within less than 15 mins. Absolutely! It is possible due to AI-powered and world-class screening devices.

School health services:

After the pandemic, children are returning to school in person, thus it is crucial to concentrate on their health requirements. Considering the health requirements of students, it is imperative to avail of school health services in every school.

Effective communication between administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and guardians is also necessary for compliance with school health regulations. Everyone needs to be aware of the rules and guidelines in place to safeguard student health. Furthermore, it's vital to have a strategy in place for dealing with any health hazards. Hence we can provide a safe and healthy learning environment for all kids by working together.

School health services are the building blocks of healthy behaviour. Unhealthy dietary habits, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, mental health problems, vision problems, and poor oral hygiene are some of the commonly seen health issues in school-age children. With periodic screening and health education, it is easy to inculcate a healthy lifestyle in students.

Early in 2020, a school health effort under the Ayushman Bharat Programme was introduced, however, its execution is not up to par. Post-pandemic the value of multi-stakeholder collaboration for school health services is taken positively. It is being established through corporate social responsibility (CSR) for the health of students.

WHO guidelines for school health services:

  • A local need assessment should serve as the basis for designing school health services.
  • Should include elements of screening that lead to care, health promotion, and health education.
  • Support and referral as needed.

Vigour360 school health services are in compliance with these guidelines, as well as aligned with NEP & NCF.  Additionally, our services are for parents, and school staff across all age groups. As we know parental engagement and participation can improve the output of school health services.  Schools can observe a positive impact on students’ academic and overall progress.

In summary, we look up to children as the future of the nation. With world-class school health services, we can strive to make them healthy and educated. For the best school health services, connect with us!

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