What Are Health Services Provided in Schools? Complete Guide

Healthy children are the strength of a nation. Children between the age group 5 to 17 age group spend maximum time in educational institutes. Therefore, a health-promoting school can build the foundation of a healthy future for their student.

School health services are aimed to promote and maintain the health of students. These resources not only aid in physical fitness but also preserve the mental well-being of children. Let’s deep dive in, what are the health services provided in school?

The Global School Health Initiative was established by WHO in 1995 with the goal of enhancing methods of health promotion in schools. Pairing kids with health services is one of these strategies that is crucial.

School-age children and teenagers (those between the ages of 5 and 19) experience a variety of health issues that are largely preventable, such as BMI issues, vision problems, hearing issues, oral health problems, communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases, and mental health issues. Moreover, school-age children and adolescents have positive requirements for their physical, psychological, and neurocognitive health and development.

What are the health services provided in school?

Mandatory screening annually:

Every school must establish methods for identifying and resolving students' health and academic issues.

Health check-up list:

A comprehensive full body check-up at school should consist of

  • Biometric screening
  • Body composition analysis
  • Advanced dental screening
  • Advanced eye screening
  • ENT screening

Schools should make sure that primary healthcare is available and develop a strategy for handling medical emergencies.

Thorough pertinent health education:

Children should learn healthy dietary habits and the importance of physical fitness from an early age.

Schools can incorporate sports education and promote an active lifestyle in students. Schools can focus on healthy meal planning through regular canteen assessment programs with an expert nutritionist.

Mental wellness in children: 

A safe and healthy learning environment at the school is necessary for children. NCERT focuses on mental wellness in children, therefore schools should provide a counselling facility where children can share their problems and rest assured about confidentiality.

Although there is a huge demand for high-quality healthcare for children and adolescents, there is a huge gap in Indian schools. Schools have a unique chance to scale up efficient health care for kids and teenagers, however potential of preventive screening in students is untapped.

We strongly believe students can learn better when they have a sound body and mind. Hence children may access the greatest healthcare facilities in India with Vigour 360's School Health Services. For more queries related to school health services, connect with us!

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